The most recent social media data demonstrate how powerfully engaging Instagram is. Knowing it already, you want to make the most of it.
Nowadays, reality affects you in a somewhat different way, am I correct? Despite putting in great effort and time to create and publish quality posts, your content is unable to grab any eyeballs. Here are some tips to pay attention to while posting:
Most individuals check social media as soon as they get up, spending a few minutes or longer reading through their newsfeeds or watching Instagram Reels. So, a good time to post in the morning is between 7-8 a.m. Lunch breaks are another occasion when people frequently use their phones. Posting between 11 and 1 p.m., when users are most likely taking a break for lunch, will help to elevate your post closer to the top of their feed.
Keep in mind that many of these advised hours have more flexibility now that people work from home more frequently.
Try to post on time when users are most active. As you know that morning scrolling is too common in people nowadays, during lunch break and before bedtime people use to scroll their news feed and are likely to engage with your content most. Start at this time posting at the initial stage then shift your posting time according to your follower’s activity.
Let’s return to how individuals typically behave. Although participation levels are typically lower on weekends, don’t completely disregard them. If you post on Saturday at the proper moment, it can be a good day to do it. People are typically more relaxed on Sundays or preparing for the week ahead, making it the worst day to post. As a result, they usually don’t look through social media as often. Posting on Monday can be proved less engagement on posts as people are settling into their weekly routines, engagement levels will probably be lower than they are on other weekdays.
As we have already said that start initially at some specific time to post on your Instagram and then observe the time when your followers are the most active. Shift your posting time to the new time when your followers are active.
Besides this, you can use Instagram to decide the time of posting. To view Instagram Insights, you must first set up your account as a business or creator; this is a must. You’ll be able to check your followers’ demographics, such as their age, gender, and location if you’ve grown your following to 100 followers or more. You can analyze successful posts with the help of Instagram Insights.
After you have found when to post, now you have to find how often should you post on Instagram. That depends on a few different things.
Do you have enough content first, ideas, and product photographs to post a few times daily or weekly? Consistent posting is the key; if you ghost your followers, they will stop caring and unfollow you.
On the other hand, avoid posting content simply for the purpose of doing so. Instead, put some consideration into developing a content strategy that is focused on the consumer journey. It will give you the best results.
As you can see, determining the ideal posting times can take some time.
But once you do, you’ll be able to develop a successful Instagram content plan that satisfies the objectives of the brand.
To constantly enhance engagement and develop your follower base, you must strike a balance between all of these factors.